Work in Progress - December 2023
Happy Holidays to our Aflora Community!
We express our deepest gratitude to our team of dedicated professionals and the steadfast support of our investors and residents that continue to make Aflora Tulum's premier residential community. As we continue to deliver bespoke homes and amenities, we look forward to the many events and cultural happenings we have planned for 2024.

Construction Progress
Work continues on Aflora. We summarize the major advances in each area below
Loft Village:
Construction progress - 99% Complete
Awaiting final laundry machines
Villa 5:
Construction progress - 57% Complete
Fan & coil climate system underway
Interior finishes in progress
Magic Apartment Towers
Tower A:
Construction progress - 99% Complete
Fiber optic installations in progress
Detailing in exterior areas
Installation of carpentry
Tower B:
Construction progress - 97% Complete
Application of sealants on polished cement floors
Final details on carpentry
Tower C:
Construction progress - 78% Complete
Connection of gas lines to centralized metering
Installation of pool finishes on roof gardens
Interior finishes in progress
Tower D:
Construction progress - 63% Complete
Preparations for interior finishes
Exterior finishes in progress
Tower H:
Construction progress - 60% Complete
Exterior finishes in progress
Hydro-sanitary registers in progress
Tower I:
Construction progress - 62% Complete
Exterior finishes in progress
Wellness Tower:
Construction progress - 91% Complete
Rubberized floor in Gym installed, gym equipment installed
Wooden floor in yoga area completed
Landscaping in progress
Natural Pool:
Construction progress - Awaiting final installations
Construction of stone paths and viewpoints with landscaping
Additional waterfalls in progress
BathHouse & Spa:
Construction progress - 43%
Central module structure in progress
Second-level structure in progress
Flotarium walls in progress
Green Initiative
As we continue with our program of native reforestation, we are excited to utilize our onsite green areas as propagation centers for future landscaping needs.
With Phase 1 gardens now well established, our in-house landscaping team is able to source cuttings and offshoots of endemic foliage to plant future areas, creating a self-sustaining permaculture plan that will provided new growth for years to come.
Community News
This month we see continued progress on Tulum's Jaguar Park, as various installations near completion including the rehabilitation of an abandoned lighthouse which will be repurposed as a tourist information center.