Work in progress - June 2023
This month we are excited to unveil our continued progress within our community. As new residents receive their bespoke homes, we finalize details on surrounding amenities and green areas, ensuring that every element harmonizes with our intentional designs. Using dynamic creative processes we supervise daily advances, optimizing lighting, pathways, vegetations, and decor to create stunning results. As we enter the rainy season we make sure to take advantage of the local climate to test irrigation and site levels as well as waterproofing in all construction areas.
Its summertime in Tulum! As we work through the extreme heat and tropical rains we take extra care to provide hydration and mandatory breaks to all of our workers onsite. We are thankful to finally open access to our stunning central semi-olympic pool. With over a dozen units delivered to investors, it brings us great joy to see our unique amenities and come to life with the presence of our newly forming community.
This month we have begun even more artistic interventions with the addition of the unique sculptures of Bacalar-based artist Abraham Illescas. His massive rock and wooden installations and add to Aflora's playful ambience and inspire our sense of wonder and imagination.
Construction Progress
Work continues on Aflora. We summarize the major advances in each area below
Loft Village
Loft Village: Construction progress - 99% Complete
Essence Luxury Villas
Villa 1: Construction progress - 100% Complete | Villa 5: Construction progress - 32% Complete
Magic Apartment Towers
Tower B:
Construction progress -85% Complete
Detailing on exterior elements
Drainage installation and waterproofing in rooftop gardens
Installation of bathroom tile and toilets
Carpentry in progress
Installation of machine rooms and pool equipment
Tower D:
Construction progress - 55% Complete
Roof-level installations in progress
Rooftop pools and gardens in progress
Tower H:
Construction progress - 42% Complete
Walls and columns in progress on level 3
Elevator shaft in progress on level 3
Tower A: Construction progress - 86% Complete
Preparations for final finish in interiors and exteriors
Installation of garden-level cobblestone blocks
Installation of rooftop pergolas and built-in gardens
Installation of carpentry
Installation of final floor in circulations areas and stairs
Tower C:
Construction progress - 67% Complete
Terrace railings installed
Detailing and waterproofing on rooftop levels
Structural detailing on terraces
Tower I:
Construction progress - 52% Complete
Electrical installations on level 1
4th level walls roof in progress
Installations on lower levels in progress
Rooftop pools in progress
Semi-Olympic Pool:
Construction progress - 100%
Panza (Restaurant):
Construction progress - 99%
Construction progress - 100%
Wellness Tower:
Construction progress - 70% Complete
Application of interior and exterior finishes
Lower-level floors poured
Installations on lower and upper levels in progress
Natural Pool:
Construction progress - Awaiting final installations
Construction of stone steps and retaining walls made from material sourced on-site
Waterfall testing completed
BathHouse & Spa:
Construction progress - 10%
Lower-level walls poured
Lower-level installations in progress
Service Areas & Bodegas:Construction progress - 80% Complete
Testing of installations in progress
Server rooms completed and equipment installed
Security site completed and operational
Doors and windows installed
Climate control in progress
Green Initiative
We received positive news this month regarding rehabilitation efforts for sea turtles, for the first time in 36 years of conservation, a leatherback has been seen laying eggs on the Tulum municipal beach.
The discovery was made within the state preserve of Xcacel-Xcacelito Sea Turtle Sanctuary, where a total of 54,214 white/green turtle nests and 9,030 loggerhead turtle nests have been recorded from 1996 to 2022. In addition, a total of of 4,770,850 white/green turtles and 711,891 loggerhead turtle hatchlings have been located.
The leatherback sea turtle is the largest in the world weighing between 249 and 907 kilos and growing up to 1.8 meters in length.
Community News
Tulum received official approval of 11 million pesos dedicated to the paving and improvement of municipal roads. With our city-grid expanding faster than urbanization efforts can keep up with, this will bring a much-needed modernization to Tulum's image and mobility. This month Tulum also successfully settled all outstanding municipal debts totaling nearly 70 million pesos and dating back to 2015.
This positive news coincides with a significant drop in violent crime thanks to increased coordinated efforts between National Guard, National Defense and Navy as well as the State Attorney General’s Office, Public Security of Tulum and the state, to ensure peace in the municipality.